Chocolate Conche Lining Bar & Scraper Material

Chocolate Conche is mainly used for milling chocolate paste for small and medium chocolate production requirements, this news we will discuss some technical aspect issues on the conche operation.

The most common material of lining bar and scraper is 65 manganese steel with quenching treatment(heat treatment). After quenching treatment, there will be a hard surface layer formed which allows lining bar and scraper last about 3-5 years compact milling, some may work for 8-10 years with good maintenance.


But if the chocolate conche lining bars and scrapers without quenching treatment or the quenching treatment was not success, the life time for these lining bars and scraper might be about one year, below pictures shows new and milled lining bars.

Another reason might cause chocolate conche lining bars and scrapers wear very fast: the material chocolate conche supplier used were not 65 manganese steel, instead, it is A3 steel, the price of A3 steel only about half of 65manganese steel.


Except for 65 manganese steel, there is another material called 13 manganese steel(Mn13), it is a wear-resistant steel mostly used in metallurgy industry, mining industry, railway industry(wheels and rails), etc., in traditional industries, in the modern times, with the technical development, Mn13 become the most preferred wear-resistant material in Maglev Train Industry, New Developed Tank, Rock Drilling Robot, etc.


The advantage of Mn13 is when it under impact, the surface will become very hard thus forming a wear-resistant layer. There are two main advantages:

1-the more force impacted to the surface, the more hard it will be

2-New hard layer will form automatically after the original hard surface milled

These two advantages give the possibilities of long terms running of chocolate conche, the life time for lining bars and scraper will be more than 10 years.